My challenges

I’ve been writing challenges since 2022, which is not a long time, but all of my challenges have more or less been scattered throughout the wind. This is my attempt to consolidate the ones I wrote.


  • Honksay

    • XSS with object bypass
  • Viene Library

    • Prototype Pollution to leverage PUT request-based header overrides in Ruby
  • Art Gallery

    • TLS poison -> FTP -> Redis SSRF chain for deserialization RCE

    • POST-based img-tag XSSI -> ESI injection -> img-creation primitive oracle -> XS-leak


  • Makima
    • FastCGI PHP and nginx path resolution for PHP RCE combined with X-Accel-Redirect header SSRF


  • Veggie Soda

    • CSRF bypass to TypeScript type-confusion deserialization, causing pop chain-esque effects to pop XSS
  • Grand Prix Heaven

    • Loose [A-z] regex check to URL-bypass a jpeg image endpoint with XSS data in the EXIF metadata, rendered unto a custom HTML template with parseInt() quirks to bypass csp
  • HEAT

    • V8 1day sandbox escape


  • Redwave
    • Golang -> Ruby JSON parsing differential + SSRF bypass with header parsing differential + Ruby deserialization RCE